Having good relationships and clear lines of communication with parents is vital to the success of Madeley School. As well as sending parents and carers emails and text we also send letters home. We also upload letters here too.

Parents and carers should ensure that the school office always has your current email address and/or mobile phone number so that you don't miss out on vital information.

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On Monday the 18th of March at 5pm we are holding a parental engagement event for parents and carers of our Year 11 students on how you can support your child through the exam period. If you would like to attend, please can you complete the registration form here. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=48aZkktFFECRk1vXiMa8-nM5LDCyP8tIpikhq8BP2lpUQzEwTDRFSzhITVk1RzJRWFE3V0ZJUjFKWC4u
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Silver Cloud is our online support programme available for parents and carers, with topics including Supporting your Anxious Child or Teenager. There are also student programmes for body image, resilience, anxiety, low mood, depression and stress available for young people aged 15+

SilverCloud. Making Space For Healthy Minds (silvercloudhealth.com)